
Write brief description of why you have selected that design


Assume that campus surveys over time show a steady decline in the willingness of students to engage in volunteer community service work. Your campus administration and student government are both concerned about this trend and have asked you to research student responses to volunteerism with a view to reversing the trend. As part of a broader research strategy, you decide to focus on the messages that students get about volunteer service. Your working hypothesis is that the appeals used in public service announcements and the like to motivate students to volunteer are not persuasive with the current generation of students. Design an experiment that will test different persuasive appeals about volunteerism with students in order to identify the most effective appeal(s).

Your writing should include:

a) The name of the experimental design that you have selected

b) A brief description of why you have selected that design (three or four sentences)

c) How you will recruit participants (two or three sentences)

d) How you will give them the messages (e.g., will they watch a video, read a flyer, look at a webpage, etc.), and explain why you chose that method (one paragraph).

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Other Subject: Write brief description of why you have selected that design
Reference No:- TGS03232947

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