
Write brief bullet-point notes about the main points in the


For each of your four chosen articles on your personal research paper topic:

A) Write the full source citation in APA format. You may copy and paste using the citation tool on the right side of the EBSCO page, but be sure you know how to write an APA-format citation for your research paper. This is a valuable skill for your continuing college career.

B) Write brief bullet-point notes about the main points in the article (DO NOT copy and paste!)

C) Tell me if this is a good article or not to use as a source for your research paper and why.

Each article annotation should be at least 150 words in length (longer is acceptable, shorter is not).DO NOT write a summary of the article. DO NOT copy section(s) of the article.


1) You must use the CoA Library EBSCO database to complete this assignment (online).

2) Full name, date and subject in the top left corner of your paper. Nothing else.

3) The source citations for this assignment must be written in APA format, not in MLA format.

You will lose points if you do not use APA citation format!

Example of APA source citation format = Family name of author(s), followed by personal name initial(s).

(Year of publication). Title of article.

Publication, volume number(issue number), page numbers. DOI number if available.

Include the DOI if it is available through the library database. Only about 60% of articles have this Digital Object Information number available at the moment, but the permanent collection of articles is growing.

Follow instructions! Part of your grade for this assignment is based on whether you do or not.

Annotated Bibliography

This assignment must connect to the topic of your Research Paper. Read the Research Paper assignment FIRST to understand the appropriate topics that you may choose for your research paper, then complete this Annotated Bibliography assignment.

The Annotated Bibliography assignment will help you start to identify appropriate source materials for your Research Paper. The point of this
assignment is for you to evaluate the usefulness of each source you choose. In order to evaluate the usefulness of information, you first have to read and understand it!


1) Go to the College of Alameda (CoA) Library website. Click on "Article Databases" in the menu on the left side of the CoA Library homepage, then click on Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) from the menu in the center of the page.

2) Log on with your last name and your CoA student ID number.

Type keyword(s) for your specific research topic into the EBSCO browser bar and click on Search.

For example, if your research paper topic is "Mousterian tools", then that is your keyword search.

3) Look at the "Refine Results" menu on the left side of the screen. Scroll down to "Limit to". Set the publication date to 2012 to 2018. The page will refresh.

4) If you need to limit your search further (see fewer articles), scroll down in the "Refine Results" menu and click on the "Magazines" selection box. You now should have a manageable number of articles for your topic.

ASSIGNMENT: For each of your four chosen articles on your personal research paper topic:

A) Write the full source citation in APA format. You may copy and paste using the citation tool on the right side of the EBSCO page, but be sure you know how to write an APA-format citation for your research naner.

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Biology: Write brief bullet-point notes about the main points in the
Reference No:- TGS02729574

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