
Write book review of book the chocolate war by robert

The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier

You have been reading a book that you will use to teach character in the curriculum OR to illustrate a virtue that is useful to facilitating moral decision-making in the classroom or workplace. From your reading, on the book The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier create a one page book review that:

1. Describes the situation with enough detail to convey the basic plot and identified values, virtues or morals

2. Identifies the moral knowing, moral feeling and moral action

3. Identifies the issue(s) the protagonist had to grapple with

4. Explains why tension existed

5. Includes an appropriate explanation of how to implement this book into the curriculum OR classroom or workplace.

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History: Write book review of book the chocolate war by robert
Reference No:- TGS01001892

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