
Write body-paragraph three ask them to do basic internet

Write body-paragraph three. Ask them to do basic Internet research to find one or two sources to support their arguments.

Problems Associated with Cell Phones

Cell phones are more of a nuisance than a blessing. Due to advances In technology, the use of cell phones has dramatically increased in the past twenty years. At one time, our society was able to function without these advanced technological devices; however, people today use them not just as phones, but also as computers, as location devices, and as personal monitors, tracking health and exercise routines. While this progress is generally thought of as a positive change, it comes with several drawbacks. There are three major negative effects that have resulted from the use of cell phones: an Increase in automobile accidents, a reduction social interaction, and a loss of personal privacy.

First and foremost, the use of cell phones is estimated to be involved with 28% of all car accidents (Halsey, 20101. Additionally, cell phones are known to be the cause of many automobile crash fatalities per year, although it is difficult to calculate the exact number due to underreporting. (NSC, 2014). Cell phone users are often distracted while driving, taking their attention off the road and looking at their phones instead. Because of this, they hit pedestrians or other vehicles, many times resulting In Injury or the death of one or more individuals. A person, for instance, may use their phone to check a map or to receive "urgent" calls or texts. It is easy to imagine how distracting a cell phone can be if used to listen to podcasts, listen to music, or even to watch a movie.

A second concern is that frequent users of cell phones may actually have less personal Interaction. In fact, the mere presence of a cell phone can disrupt the normal casual relationship between fact-to-face speakers. According to studies reported by Helen Lee Lin, "..cell phones may serve as a reminder of the wider network to which we could connect, inhibiting our ability to connect with the people right next to us." (Lin, 2012) Many people use their phones as a primary communication tool. Text messages sent by cell phones are used to communicate not only with clients and coworkers, but also with friends and family. As a result, people who use their phones continually can lose the ability to Interact with others verbally, and by doing so, lose the tact and skills necessary to communicate emotions or close a deal. In addition, cell phone users often feel compelled to use their phones at all times, even during meats with family or at social gatherings. In fact, for young people today, according to Ira Hyman, texting is no longer simply a tool for notification, it actually is social interaction (Hyman, 2014), emotionally on a par with face-to-face communication.

In summary, there are several adverse effects to using cell phones, some of which can be reversed by mending a friendship and others that result in death. Whether it be a car accident, a failed relationship, or decreased privacy, cell phones are a detriment to both society and us. Perhaps the underlying cause of these misfortunes has nothing to do with cell phones at all but with the values of our society instead. In sum, we should spend less time making technological advances and more time making progress in our society in its place.

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