
Write approximately 2000 words of text about 6 pages i

Question: Write approximately 2000 words of text (about 6 pages). I count words, so you should, too. Your paper should begin with an indication of the substance of your paper, and then offer an organizing argument. Your research paper must use at least 10 sources, 5 of which must be academic sources, which means they must be academic journal articles. This is the minimum expectation.

Topic: Anger management

Articles: 1. CBT in a Caribbean Context: A Controlled Trial of Anger Management in Trinidadian Prisons (By Gerard Hutchinson, Paul Willner, John Rose, and Ian Burke, Tony Bastick)

2. Anger management in substance abuse based on cognitive behavioral therapy: an interventional study Ladan (BYy Zarshenas, Mehdi Baneshi, Farkhondeh Sharif and Ebrahim Moghimi Sarani)

3. Investigating the effect of anger management counseling and stress controlling on mental health of pregnant women (By Azam Moridi, Maryam Modarres, Zahra Behboudi Mogaddam, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani)

4. Using a Mobile Application in the Treatment of Dysregulated Anger Among Veterans (By Margaret-Anne Mackintosh, James Niehaus, Brian P. Marx, Kathleen Grubbs, and Leslie A. Morland)

5. Using a Mobile Application in the Management of Anger Problems Among Veterans: A Pilot Study (By Leslie A. Morland, James Niehaus, Brian P. Marx, Ursula Menez, Margaret-Anne Mackintosh)

6. Is anger management style associated with descending modulation of spinal nociception? (By Edward Lannon, Ellen L. Terry, Kathryn Thompson, and Jamie L. Rhudy)

7.Indigenous Adoption of Novaco's Model of Anger Management Among Individuals with Psychiatric Problems in Pakistan (By Sumara Naz, Muhammad Tahir Khalily)

8. Evaluation of anger management groups in a high-security hospital (By CLAIRE WILSON, STACY GANDOLFI, ALISON DUDLEY, BRIAN THOMAS, JAMES TAPP1 AND ESTELLE MOORE)

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Dissertation: Write approximately 2000 words of text about 6 pages i
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