Write an Genetic Algorithm: An Optimization Technique Concept
Genetic algorithms (GA) is a very useful optimization technique which is used for searching very large spaces and plays role model for searching techniques in the genetic material in living organisms. Genetic algorithms tend to thrive in an environment where there is a very large set of candidate solutions and in which the search space is uneven and has many hills and valleys. Genetic Algorithm basically helps to create useful substructures that can be potentially combined to make fitter individuals. A small population of individuals can be effectively used to search a large space which helps in employing useful schemata. This paper focuses on how the genetic algorithm is a good optimization technique
1. Introduction
2. Basis of Genetic Algorithm
3. Principle of Genetic Algorithm
4. Genetic Algorithm Methodology
5. Conclusion
Academic requirements:
• Your work must be submitted as 2000 words
• Your work should be submitted in the formats outlined for each point in the assignment
• The entire assignment brief and completed front sheet must accompany your work.