
Write and watch an erik qualman video

Assignment Social Media

This assignment is due is clearly posted in Blackboard and on your syllabus. 15 points will be deducted for each day the assignment is turned in after the due date and time.


For this assignment I would like you to first watch an Erik Qualman video from a recent keynote address. The video is about 29 minutes long so it might be a good idea to schedule the video at a time where you can watch the entire video at one sitting since it's actually pretty interesting. You can find a link to the video under Weekly Lessons > Week One > Week One Media Links labeled "Assignment A Video".

After watching the video I would like you perform some additional internet research on social media and its impact on society.

After your research I would like you to take one side. Please state if you are FOR (pro) or AGAINST (con) social media and state the reasons why you are FOR or AGAINST. Please take ONE SIDE ONLY! Please do not write your paper stating both pros and cons. I want you to take ONE SIDE and run with it!

For example if I was FOR social media, some of the examples I could use would be that "Social networking sites help senior citizens feel more connected to society" or "It's a quick and easy way to keep up with friends and family" or social media can be used as a marketing tool for organizations.

An example of being AGAINST social media could be that "People who use social networking sites are prone to social isolation" or "Criminals use social media to commit and promote crimes" or Social media does not allow us privacy anymore.

What to turn in:

To complete this assignment, please write up your research findings and your side in the matter either for or against with your reasons why. Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length. Please make sure and utilize proper APA format for this paper to include coversheet, abstract, running head, 12 font Times Roman, with one inch margins. Also make sure you cite your sources!

When complete, please upload into the Blackboard Portal.

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Microeconomics: Write and watch an erik qualman video
Reference No:- TGS01815789

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