Write and submit a research paper (500-750 words) based on "Integrating Research"
Select the topic from an area of interest in your major field, proposed major field or another topic that is of interest to you, e.g. a hobby or some other pursuit you would like to learn more about. You must consult external sources including books, periodicals, journals, newspapers, and the Internet. You must include at least two in-text citations and five sources in your Works Cited list at the end of your paper. Your sources must include three different types of external sources (e.g. 1 book, 2 periodicals, 2 Internet sources) for a total of five.
For this assignment, you are required to submit your Works Cited list by the assigned date to the course's reference librarian (Dana Corbin) for review using NoodleTools. Failure to submit this list by the assigned date will result in the loss of all points for the research category of this assignment. After the reference librarian reviews your list and returns it to you with comments, you are to make the necessary corrections to be certain that your final Works Cited list is free of all errors.