1. Write and execute XQuery expressions for all queries of laboratory exercise 6.34 on page 192 of the Elmasri/Navathe textbook (6th edition).
2. Consider the mail order database described in problem 2 of the Exercises in Chapter 1 of this lab manual.
a. Create a XML representation of the data described there (you should invent your own data instances).
b. Write a XML Schema specification for the XML document constructed in part a.
c. Write expressions in XQuery to answer all queries of problem 2 of the Exercises in Chapter 2 of this lab manual.
Problem 2
Consider a mail order database in which employees take orders for parts from customers. The data requirements are summarized as follows:
• The mail order company has employees identified by a unique employee number, their first and last names, and a zip code where they are located.
• Customers of the company are uniquely identified by a customer number. In addition, their first and last names and a zip code where they are located are recorded.
• The parts being sold by the company are identified by a unique part number. In addirion, a part name, their price, and quantity in stock are recorded.
• Orders placed by customers are taken by employees and are given a unique order number. Each order may contain certain quantities of one or more parts and their received date as well as a shipped date is recorded.
Design an Entity-Relationship diagram for the mail order database and enter the design using a data-modeling tool such as ERWin.