
Write an interactive program that plays the game hangman


Write an interactive program that plays the game Hangman. Use the random integer function to randomly select the word to guess out of the file provided. The player must guess the letters belonging to the word. The program should terminate when either all letters have been guessed correctly (player wins) or a specified number of incorrect guesses have been made (computer wins). Use a solution array to keep track of the solution so far. Initialize the array to a string of ‘*'. Each time a letter in the word is guessed, replace the corresponding ‘*' with that letter.

1. Each part of the program should be its own function. Such as recording the guess, keeping track of the solution, etc. (Hint: A menu might be a good way to do this.)
2. Also - display on the screen what letters of the alphabet you have used so far and where you are in the solution.
3. 6 incorrect guesses will be allowed.
4. Use the data file of 80 words on Angel to randomly select a word to solve.
5. The data file name and location MUST BE: P:\Private\wordlist.txt. If you change this or do not go to this location, your program will be graded as not running.
6. No global variables.

What are you turning in?

1. A printout of your original source code.
2. A printout of you playing the game at least twice. Once with a win and one time with a lost.
3. All project files should have your Penn State ID in the name. For example, P2mrf11.cpp.
4. Upload all of your files to the drop box on Angel BEFORE the deadline.
5. If you neglect to either upload your file or turn in your paperwork, you will get a zero for the assignment.
6. At this time, this project will be worth 10% of the project grade. Project 1 will be recorded as 15%. Class grades will be evaluated after these projects are graded. The instructor will post any changes on Angel for the class.

Graded on:

• Good programming
• Neat & readable code
• Comments
• Logic
• Calculations
• Meaningful variables
• Output -results & format
• Input - prompting & use
• Functions
• Arrays
• Data files
• Does it work?
• Other

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Programming Languages: Write an interactive program that plays the game hangman
Reference No:- TGS0980339

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