In this discussion you are expected to write an informative essay (250 word minimum). Please use information from the lecture, assigned readings, and possibly other websites to develop your reasoning. If you could create your own university, how would it be structured? Include all of the following and separate each item by bullet points or numbers:
1) What criteria would be used for student admissions (ex. SAT scores, ACT scores, personal essays, high school GPA, community service, extracurricular activities, interviews, etc.)? Explain your rationale.
2) Would your professors be expected to teach and to research? To only teach? To only research? Explain your rationale.
3) Would your university have college sports? Why or why not? How would these sports be funded?
4) Would your university be focused more on vocational training or liberal arts? Explain your rationale.
5) Include at least one other detail you feel is important to creating an effective university.
6) Finally, for the students graduating from your university, what would be your hopes for them? What do you hope they will have learned? What skills do you hope they will have obtained?
7) List your word count.