Write an industrialorganizational research paper on a topic

Final Research Paper


• Please write an industrial/organizational research paper on a topic of your choice in the field of psychology in the workplace. The paper needs to be done individually, and your research paper should be an original paper (i.e. not written for another class you have taken or are taking)

• Try to choose a psychology of the workplace related topic you are genuinely interested in. Your paper must address recent empirical evidence.

• Your paper must by typed, double-spaced, must contain 1,500-2,000 words (not including title page,references, figures and tables) and use American Psychological Association (APA).

• The short research paper should contain four sections 1. Title, 2. Introduction. 3. Discussion, and 4. References.

• Use peer-reviewed articles from the library (at leasttwo) all other references (at least 8 in total) must be reputable sources-No wikepedia.

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Dissertation: Write an industrialorganizational research paper on a topic
Reference No:- TGS02527367

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