
Write an if statement that checks whether the word is

Python script how do I do this?


Create a script that does the following

Reads in a text file

Creates a dictionary of word frequencies

In this dictionary they keys will be words found in the file

The values would be the number of times the word appeared

Prints a sorted list of all words in the file and how many times they appeared in the file

In the frequency dictionary, the keys would be individual words and the values would be the number of times the word appeared in the file.

This script must contains two functions.




This function must have the following header

def word_frequencies_create(filename):
This function should read in a text file and return a word frequency dictionary.

A word frequency dictionary is one where the keys are words and the values are the number of times the word appears in the file.

This function must ignore case, so "We" and "we" should count as the same word.


This function has the following header

def word_frequency_print(frequencies):
This function must print the words in alphabetical order along with the number of times each word appears in the file.

Test Code

The script must contain the following test code at the bottom of the file

word_freq = word_frequencies_create('xxxxxxx') word_freq = word_frequencies_create('gettysburg.txt') word_frequency_print(word_freq)

1. Write this script in stages, testing your script at each step

2. Create a file with the hashbang line, the test code and each function. The body of the function should be the Python statement pass which does nothing but it stops syntax errors.

3. Remove the pass statement in word_frequencies_create and replace it with code that opens a file for reading. If the file cannot be opened for reading, the code should print an error message and not do any further processing of the file.

4. Create an empty dictionary called word_frequency. After this statement write a for loop that prints each line in the file.

5. Use the lower string method to change all capital letters in the string to lower case.

6. Use the split string method to create a list of all the words in the file. Print this list.

7. Remove the previous print statement. In its place write a for loop that prints each word in the list.

8. Write an if statement that checks whether the word is already in the dictionary. If not add this word to the dictionary with the value 1. Outside both for loops, print the dictionary.

9. Add an else clause to the if statement that adds 1 to the value associated with the word.

10. Remove the print statement from the end of the function. Replace it with a statement that returns the word_frequencies_create dictionary. Remove the pass statement from word_frequency_print and replace it with a statement that prints the parameter frequencies.

11. Replace the print statement with a for loop that prints the word and word count value for each word in the dictionary.

12. Change the for loop so it prints the words in alphabetical order.

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Computer Engineering: Write an if statement that checks whether the word is
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