
Write an essay that answer the prompt below in six


Write an essay that answer the prompt below in six paragraphs at east and use the sources in your writing and CITE them

Question: Recognizing that firms are always responding to a fluid marketplace, in general list the items below in terms of priority (in order of what should come first) as part of sound business practice for a Multi-National Corporation (MCN). Please provide rationale for your ordering, how the topics are related, and a brief definition for each item

- Establish "Supply Chain"
-"Double Helix (Vertical vs. Horizontal)" deliberation
-Devise "Integrated Strategy"
-"Due-diligence assessment" of your business and competitive landscape
- Establish "an ethical philosophy"

Please use the sources below:

"The following is the Study Guide for the Midterm:

I. Globalization

• Roderick, D. (2006) ‘Goodbye Washington consensus, hello Washington

Confusion?' Journal of Economic Literature, 44 (December): 969-983

• Friedman, T. (2009) The World is Flat, online video, accessed 17 Jan 2012 fromhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53vLQnuV9FY

• Ghemawat, P. (2007) "Why the world isn't flat", Foreign Policy, March / April: 54-60.

II. Business Strategy

• Barron, D. (1995) ‘Integrated strategy: market and non-market components' California Management Review, 37 (Winter): 47-65
• Porter, Michael (2008) ‘The five competitive forces that shape strategy' Harvard Business Review, January: 79-93.

III. Corruption and Ethical Considerations for conducting Globalized Business

• Rose-Ackerman, S. (2002) ‘"Grand" Corruption and the Ethics of Global Business', Journal of Banking and Finance, 26;1889-1918
• Donaldson, T. (1996). ‘Values in Tension: Ethics Away from home', Harvard Business Review, September - October, 48-62
• Khanna, T., Pelepu, K. and Sinha, J. (2005) ‘Strategies that fit emerging markets' Harvard Business Review, 86(6): 63-76
• The Corporation. Dir. Jennifer Abbott and Mark Achbar. Perf. Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, Milton Friedman. 2003. Youtube Video. (The first 39 minutes)

IV. Managing Global Supply Chains

• Fine, C. (1998) ‘The Secret of Life: Harnessing the Power of Double Helix', Chapter 4 in Clockspeed: Winning Industry Control in the Age of Temporary Advantage, Perseus Books, London

• Fine, C. (1998) ‘The Primary of Chains: Capability Chains Make a Business'. Chapter 5 in Clockspeed: Winning Industry Control in the Age of Temporary Advantage, Perseus Books, London

• -Palmisano, Smuel J. (2006) ‘The Globally Integrated Enterprise', Foreign Affairs, 85(3): 127-136

V. Lecture Notes

• All class lecture notes through the week of 14 March 2016

VI. Text Book

• The Globalization Paradox Chapters 2 and 3".

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Macroeconomics: Write an essay that answer the prompt below in six
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