Choose any "ONE Topic" from the "suggested List" or "course material". See Paper Format in the instruction link on the eCollege menu bar.
"Course Paper" around 1200 words and these are some suggested topics, personalities and concepts for your consideration.
Topics are not limited to those listed below:
1. The Ten Commandments and Its Impact On Modern Society
2. Define the distinctive ideas of a Theophany
3. The Origin of Melchizedek (The king-priest of Canaanite Salem)
4. Contrast the differences between the Old and New Testament
5. Describe The Concepts or Beliefs Common To Hades
6. Theologically define the term Covenant
7. The Essential Roles of the "The Ten Plagues" against Pharaoh
8. The concept of Divine Wisdom
9. Consequence of Sin
10. Who is this Man called Moses?
11. The role of Kings, Priests, and Prophets
12. David (a man after God's own heart)