
Write an essay on the red convertible make sure you do the

Essay 2: Write an essay on The Red Convertible. You are free to make any argument you would like in relation to the reading. You may use the argument from your thesis exercise. Keep in mind the feedback you received from me. Be sure to develop a clear and coherent thesis that you support with solid topic sentences for each paragraph and lots of evidence from the texts.
Length: 1000-1250 words.
Sources: At least 3 critical sources

All but two of you did your thesis statement on the symbolism of the red convertible in "The Red Convertible." This is an obvious point/idea that has been expressed and argued before. If you want to use this for your essay, be sure to form your own clear judgment so as to make an original argument (and not just regurgitate someone else's.

Let me know if you have any questions.

In addition to reading a description of the assignment on the syllabus, here are a couple of suggestions to insure that you earn a good grade:

1) Make sure you have a clear well-focused thesis;

2) Review the reading on writing papers about literature (in your syllabus);

3) Make sure you format correctly according to MLA to avoid having points deducted for incorrect formatting;

4) Make sure you use scholarly sources (avoiding .com sites, Wikepedia, Cliffsnotes, and any other shortcut that does not qualify as credible or scholarly);

5) Make sure you do the internal citations correctly (again, consult your syllabus);

6) Keep long direct quotes to a minimum (and when it is more than 3 lines, offset ten spaces in the text);

7) Use more paraphrase than direct quotes, but be SURE to cite the source. If you put someone else's words into your own, that requires a citation;

8) Choose a title for your essay that is not just the title of the story but a key to your argument/thesis;

9) Avoid plagiarism at all costs as it may result in the failure of the assignment and, possibly, the class as well as a report to the dean;

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Dissertation: Write an essay on the red convertible make sure you do the
Reference No:- TGS02538410

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