
Write an essay on the case a potential tool for genome

Essay Assignment:

Write an essay on the case "A potential tool for Genome editing".


• Required: Written text with optional diagrams n figures. Diagrams n figures would have to have written captions.

• Length (word count): 2,000 - 3,000 words, excluding Citations, References (list), captions in diagrams n figures. Note: approximately 4 pages (times new roman, 11 pt size)

• Preferred Font size: 11 pt for main text. For headings/subheadings, can be >11 pt

• Preferred Font Type: Arial, Times New Roman

• Line spacing: 1.5

Guide to writing the Essay

• This essay is to be pitched towards 2nd year undergrad students so that they can have a better understanding of the topic.

• It is not intended for experts in the field. Thus, you should avoid lengthy details.

• Write as a review, not a critique.

• You can mention the limitations of the methods

• You can mention summaries of experimental studies BUT avoid raw data. Avoid critique of experimental studies.

• It follows the same format used for publishing state-of-the-art scientific reviews in many international journals. Your essay may follow this example:

- Introduction

- 1st heading

• Subheadings (if any)

- 2nd heading

• Subheadings (if any)

- 3rd headings (if any)

• Subheadings (if any)

- Conclusions

- References.

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: Write an essay on the case a potential tool for genome
Reference No:- TGS01270271

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