Leading and Managing within Organisations
No# of Pages:
7 pages (1,750 words)
Academic Level:
Subject Area:
Business Management
Paper Style:
No# of Sources Required:
English (U.K)
The essay question is in 2 parts
1) first part should focus on what does being a successful organisation mean? These should not just be characteristics listed, but critically evaluated to show how they can make the organisation successful. Also talk about strategy and achieving goals and objectives. Objectives state what needs to be achieved but strategies shows us how to get there.
2) The organisation I have chosen is Nokia the phone company. Give background in to this, how in 1990s Nokia dominated the telecommunication market where they introduced the first handset with a green coloured screen and the game 'snake'. To demonstrate this use Porters 5 forces analysis on Nokia.
But now Apple and Samsung have taken over this market. Where did Nokia lag behind? In this part of the assignment focus on the Balance Scorecard. (this is key)
Use the balance scorecard as a performance indicator to highlight the areas where Nokia went wrong and Apple took a hold of.
For referencing, try not to just direct quote. Paraphrasing is better.
Essay Guideline
Assignment – Defining a Successful Organisation
Use lecture notes, class discussions and wider academic literature to address the following questions:
1 Define and discuss what being a successful organisation means.
2 Use an example organisation to recommend appropriate performance indicators and
justify your choices
Core Text Drucker P.F., Management Challenges for the 21st Century, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2011 (paperback).
Leadership and Organisational Development Journal
Management of Personnel Quarterly
Organisation Development Journal
Performance Improvement Quarterly