Write an essay on given topic-
Topic - Vanishing of the Bees
1. View a documentary about an environmental topic that is at least 45 minutes in length.
2. Analyze the filmmaking techniques used in the production. Did the documentary elicit the feelings from you that it was designed to?
3. Write a 2-3 page paper explaining your analysis above and answering additional questions about why the topic is important and what was the driving factor for the film. Do you agree or disagree with the content? Is the film skewed to one view-point or does it equally discuss both sides of the issue?
4. This will be submitted through Jupitered as a Juno Doc for grading. If you have questions about this, please see me before it is due. Juno formats things as MLA without the users having to so you will leave you paper single spaced and your heading will be in the upper left hand corner of the page.