
Write an essay of 2500 words on only one of the following

Assignment -

Write an essay of 2500 words on only ONE of the following topics:

1) Is euthanasia ever morally justified in your view? If so why and under what conditions? If not, why not?

2) Under what circumstances, if any, is abortion morally permissible? Argue for your view

3) Do you think that it could ever be morally permissible to use genetic technologies to modify the capabilities, powers and attributes of future human beings? Argue for your position

Make sure that you express yourself clearly, that you indicate your understanding of the relevant philosophical terms, and that you provide adequate references to the material you cite. In this subject you are welcome to use the first person singular to indicate which views are your own rather than those of other people (e.g. I think that ...', 'I believe that ...', 'My view is ...').

Word Count: 2500 Words and Referencing: Harvard Style.

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Term Paper: Write an essay of 2500 words on only one of the following
Reference No:- TGS02930003

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