
Write an essay in which you use narration and description

Write a narrative essay.

The topic for this essay: Write an essay in which you use narration and description to recreate a time and place when you felt like an outsider or felt threatened in some way. Make sure to show the reader what you learned from this experience.

The outline:


What is the student's responsibility when he or she are studying abroad, and what are the consequences that when the student might have when they arrived to a foreign country

- Culture shock
- Jet lag
- Social roles
- Language
- Rule's behavior

Body 1:

Explains what was the feeling when I said goodbye to my family until I reached the U.S. "Portland, Oregon"

Who was with me when I arrived at Portland, my cousin Khalid he is a civil engineer and junior year. He recommended Portland to me and I was taking his recommendation into consideration. Then he left the town because of the department of civil engineering didn't accept him in the department, so he left the country after I arrived in two weeks and he went to UTSA.

I felt sad about him and I felt loneliness and homesick because I don't know anybody in the town.

Body 2:

I felt outsider when he left me and I don't know anything about the culture..., etc.

- khalid's friends they were in Kuwait and I had a full month vacation, I spent that with myself, so I was waiting khalid's friends coming to the usa so I can gather and hangout with some people I can trust.

- They came after that it was in the middle of September and I was there in at august, 6, 2015

- When they came every thing has been changed, my mood has been changed I did't feel anymore that I am outsider because they helped my.

Body 3:

-How I adopted on myself, and how I dealt with the lifestyle in America.

- I made a great social network with new friends from around the world from the English program.

- I learned different cultures because I have friends from UK, USA, France, Turkey, japan, china, etc.


Restate all the paragraphs in other words, and what are the significant events " Khalid left, I left my country, new place"

What I learned from this experience " new culture, friends, language, don't be adopted on someone else be brave and adopt on yourself".

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Term Paper: Write an essay in which you use narration and description
Reference No:- TGS01280134

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