For this essay, write a short 3 page (about 750 word) essay describing the experiences of an ethnic group that came to the United States between 1870 and 1920. Your essay will take the form of a letter from one immigrant back home to family in the "old country."
In this letter, you will describe your fictional immigrant's experiences over at least twenty years. Focus on your experiences in the US as well as how you were received by American society.
The last part of your letter should start, "I think my experiences have compared/contrasted to other immigrant groups..." and then give examples. Your introductory paragraph should include references to who your letter writer is and what year the letter was written.
Choose one of the following immigrant groups for your essay: Chinese, Irish, Italian, Mexican, or Eastern European Jewish immigrants (or consult your professor through Course Messaging if you wish to choose a different immigrant group).
Some factors you may wish to consider in the paper are: reasons for coming to America "pull factors" and leaving the home country "push factors"; typical jobs for that immigrant group; living conditions and where they settled (urban, rural, etc.) and why; any relevant religious traditions; their success at integrating into the existing mainstream American culture (including Americanization attempts such as the Settlement House movement); any particular challenges they faced, including any applicable immigration restrictions and prejudice.
You must include at least one outside primary or secondary source