Essay Assignment:-
Writing in APA style is similar to MLA & Chicago, except that APA is often a bit more formal-the social scientists are less interested in elegant language and are more interested in being blunt about their research.
This makes a difference to you in 3 important ways:
1. APA writing requires more use of signal phrases. These are phrases that introduce quotations or material from a source. Pg. 182 in the Hacker handbooks has some examples of signal phrases, things like
In the words of Brown .
As Brown noted.
Brown has asserted.
2. If the author's name is NOT in the text, the parenthetical citation should contain the author's last name, the year, and the page number, like this: Notice that the period goes after the parenthesis.
If the author's name IS in the text, then put the year of publication directly after the author's name, like this: As Brown (2012) noted, "blah, blah, blah".
3. An APA citations page is labelled References, and the citations are done differently than those in MLA and Chicago styles.
*Note on pages 223-225, the header on all APA manuscript pages contains the paper title in all caps, flush left and the page number flush right.
For this week's APA assignment, I want you to write an essay describing the difficulties the Pilgrims faced in their long journey to the New World-by long journey, I mean their time in England, the Netherlands, and eventually the Atlantic and Massachusetts.
1. 5 or more paragraphs (intro, 3+ body paragraphs, conclusion-must follow outline provided below)
2. Your quotes cannot contain more than 4 words-work interesting words or phrases into your own sentences.
3. The quotes and paraphrasing should be documented with APA style parenthetical citations.
4. An APA style References page
5. Get someone else to proofread for you and make a note of who it was
I: Intro:
Hook-explain/show how your topic relates to your audience
Transition-move audience smoothly from hook to thesis
Thesis-a statement of opinion that ends with a development catch phrase such as for several reasons or in several ways.
II. Body Paragraphs (6+ sentences):
S1: SIMPLE topic sentence that rephrases the catch phrase from your thesis. (One reason that both these books sound interesting is. . . . Another way that these stories are similar is . . . .)
S2: Example 1 with quote to illustrate your topic sentence
S3: Explanation of how quote illustrates topic sentence
S4: Example 2 with quote to illustrate your topic sentence
S5: Explanation of how quote illustrates topic sentence
(Using more than 2 examples/explanations is fine, add as many as you like; this is a great way to take up space.)
S6: Summarize evidence
III. Conclusion:
Restate thesis
Do a ONE SENTENCE (or more) summary of EACH body paragraph (do NOT short these summaries)
Close with a catchy or thoughtful reference to your hook
Text 1: "Who Were the Pilgrims" on
Text 2: Pages 3-5 in Nathaniel Philbrick's Mayflower, which was published by Penguin Books in New York in 2007. Do your citation as if you're looking at the book itself, not the internet. Follow this link and go to the's Look Inside feature, or see the text below:
Text 3: The article :
"Pilgrim's Progress" in the November 2006 issue of Smithsonian magazine. Do your citation as if you were looking at the print magazine, not the internet. For pages, just use the 1-4 as they show up online.
(This will let you practice doing one internet source, one book source, and one magazine source, all APA style.)