
Write an essay comparing how gender is portrayed in henrik

Assignment: Gender in Society - Comparative Essay

For this assignment, students will write an essay comparing how gender is portrayed in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House, to the role of women in the 21st century.

This essay should:

Make specific and obvious points of comparison between the two topics

Be 1000 words long

Have an explicit thesis statement, with the main idea (the topic of the paper) and a controlling idea (what you, as the author, is saying about the topic)

Include an integrated, direct quote from the text to support the thesis in each of the body paragraphs

Be written using APA formatting guidelines

Use APA guidelines for citation, both in-text and on a References page.

Avoid using 1st- or 2nd-person references (focus on objective 3rd-person references instead). No conractions allowed by APA

Be submitted as a MS Word .docx file

Quotations and In-Text Citation:

Quotations must be in quotation marks and all quotations must be cited. Here is a correct citation for a quotation:

Mrs. Mallard knew that "there was something coming to her, and she was waiting for it." (Chopin, 1894, 15).

Notice, as well, that this particular quotation has a lead-in, introductory phrase, as should all of your direct quotes.

References Citation:

Ibsen, H. (2008). A Doll's House.


Responses will be submitted by attaching a MS Word .docx file. Responses should be written in complete sentences in proper standard written English. Check responses for grammatical and spelling errors, maintain a professional and respectful tone, and answer the question thoroughly.

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