
Write an essay about that two companies mio and powerade

Please follow the every single detail in my instruction, use photoshop to jam 4 different ads or billboard in total about two different companies. Then write a 1000 words essay about that two companies. In your essay, you should answer all of the 4 questions.

Please jam two different companies which is Mio by Kraft Food company, and Powerade Zero DropsAdvertisement/Billboard jam - this jam will take an advertisement (often in magazines) orbillboard and jam it with Photoshop or similar programs. THE ADVERTISEMENT MUST BEFROM THE LAST FIVE YEARS. You can do this any number of ways - through mixingimages, using text, etc.... You must jam TWO advertisements and/orbillboards for each company, so 4 advertisements or billboards in total.

Then you must write a 1000 words essay about these 4 advertisements/ billboards.

In your essay, you should answer the following questions:

1. What is the political economy of the company you are taking on (Mio made $________ in theyear ____ but paid workers in New York only $___ an hour). When you discuss politicaleconomy you must discuss who has an abundance of wealth and who lacks wealth. Remember,political economy is concerned with imbalances. I expect to see external research here - you aregoing to dig into the corporation you are critiquing and double-check everything.

2. What is political about your jam? This means - how does this corporation you are taking oninfluence relations between people? A good example of this is the fashion industry's impact onwomen's weight.

3. An explanation regarding your jam - see Sandlin and Milam, page 332, paragraph two for anexample. The paragraph starts with "For example, figure 3 appropriates the memes..." - payparticular attention to the discussion of the subvertisement for Obsession.

4. What do you utilize as a turning point in the jam?

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Essay Writing: Write an essay about that two companies mio and powerade
Reference No:- TGS01011382

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