
Write an essay about personal philosophy of success what


Final Essay Topic: Personal Philosophy of Success

In this essay, you will present your own Personal Philosophy of Success, identifying the On Course success principles and strategies that you will use for years to come. This essay is your opportunity to write the script that will keep you on course to a rich personally fulfilling life!

You must answer the following questions (use headers for each question/section):

1. What is your personal definition of success?

a. What does success mean to you (personal life, educational, career...)

2. List and explain four or more On Coursesuccess principles and strategies that he or she will use to achieve success.

3. For each success principle and strategies provide extensive and specific support (examples, experiences, evidence, and explanation).

Success Strategies:

• Personal Responsibility (Victim vs. Creator, Inner Guide)
• Self-Motivation (DAPPS, Life Roles and Dreams)
• Self-Management/Time Management/Money Management/Self Discipline
• Interdependence
• Self-Awareness (Journal Writings, Self-Assessments)
• Lifelong Learning/Learning Styles/Make Course Corrections
• Emotional Intelligence/Stress Management(Visualization)
• Believe in Themselves
• Note Taking Skills/Effective Writing/Effective Reading/Study Skills
• Resources (Learning College Customs, Tutorial Services, Counseling/Advising, etc.)
• Wise Choices in College (at the end of each chapter)

Please adhere to the following specifications:

• Proper grammar, spelling and punctuation will be expected in this final essay
• Minimum of 3 complete typed pages (maximum of5 pages)
• Double spaced andmargin 1 inch around.
• Font must be Times New Roman and font size must be 12 (no bigger or smaller)
• Cover Page with your name, course number, and essay title (separate cover page will not count as minimum pages).
• Appropriate references must be cited within the essay and aseparate reference page must be used (separate reference page will not be counted as minimum pages).

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Other Subject: Write an essay about personal philosophy of success what
Reference No:- TGS02364896

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