
Write an essay about one scene that you observe closely try


Essay: Description of a Place

For the first paper assignment,, write an essay on one of the following two prompts::

1 ) Write an essay about one scene that you observe closely. Try to observe it at different times of the day. What is the dominant mood or atmosphere of the place? Convey this impression to your audience through concrete details gained by taking notes on the scene near or on campus.. For a model,, see Garrison Keillor,, "HHoppers..""

2 ) Write an essay about one place you know extremely well . What makes this place significant?? What is the dominant impression you wish to convey to your audience?? Convey this impression through concrete details gained either by taking notes on the scene or by jogging your memory . For a model,, see Ray Bradbury,, "Summer Rituals.""

Possible Topics include (bbut are not limited to)):

a. barber shop or hair salon;
b. high school gym;
c. fast - food restaurant;
d. The Oaks
e. Ge orge Washington Carver Museum;;
f. Tuskegee Legacy Museum
g. college building (ssuch as a do rmitory)
h. vacation spot ( lake house , relative's house,, etc..);
i. church

Note: This assignment,, then,, asks you to keep two things in mind.. The first task is to make your audience - your classmates --- see::use concrete , sensory details so the reader will be able to see,, hear,, and feel - even smell - what this place is like . The second task is to describe with a dominant focus in mi n d : what is your main purpose in writing about this scene or place?? Remember that every detail should contribute to the main idea or overall point . What do you want readers to take away from the essay ?

Paper length: 2 to 3 pages (typed)

Draft format: Typed, double- spaced, one - inch margins in a standard font and font size (110'' or 12''.. Save your essay outside your computer (e.g., e - mail to self). Title your essay (aa separate title p age is not necessary). Remember to make two copies, one for yourself and one for peer review.

SmarThinking/Blackboard S ubmissionLog into Blackboard and click on SmarThinking to get feedback on your draft; submit your essay after the peer review workshop. The last step before turning in your final essay is to submit an electronic copy through Safe Assign..

Revision Stat ement: First, briefly explain how you revised your essay in response to comments from peers and from the SmarThinkingTutor; also explain what you yourself thought needed to be changed.

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Other Subject: Write an essay about one scene that you observe closely try
Reference No:- TGS02492807

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