
Write an essay about global warmingclimate change the

Essay Assignment

Topics: Global Warming/Climate Change

-Scientific evidence for or against GW

Love Canal

-Any Superfund sites

Greater Pacific Garbage Patch

-The impact is it having on ocean ecosystems
-How to remediate the problem

BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

-Any oil spill disaster


-Effect on animal populations
-Palm oil harvesting and its effect on the orangutan populations

World's Growing Population/Overpopulation

-How can the environment maintain high population numbers (food, housing, travel, etc.)

Lack of Fresh Water Supplies

-Globally issues

Increasing Number of Endangered Species

-Within the USA or Worldwide
-Conservation efforts

The Effects of GMOs on the Environment

-Fear of the superbug

Alternative Waste Disposal Methods

-What are the current methods and what alternative do we have

Natural Resource Depletion

-USA depletion or global depletion

Environmental Laws/Crimes

-Environmental case studies

Carbon Footprint Reduction

-Residential carbon footprint
-Industrial carbon footprint

Almost any current topic we discussed at the beginning of class


Three pages
Double space
Times New Roman
Size 12 Font
MLA format (essays must be cited).

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Dissertation: Write an essay about global warmingclimate change the
Reference No:- TGS02762457

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