
Write an essay about diversity of life did the writer stick


Write an Essay about Diversity of Life.

Write a two-page essay researching a topic of your choice. Use 12-point font in Times New Roman and double-space it.

On the due date, I will hand your essay to another student in the class who will then (during the class period) read it and give you feedback on how to improve it, based on the following guidelines. Then you should take the paper home and make the suggested changes and corrections, and then return the revised draft to me the following class period. So be sure to bring a double-waced hard copy the first due date, withroolvfottertriluelaikit.

1. Title: Is the title descriptive of what is actually written in the paper? Did the writer stick to the topic given in the title? Is it written in Times New Roman and 12-point font?

2. Organization: How well organized is this paper? Is each paragraph well developed and are the paragraphs arranged in a logical sequence? Is there an introduction and conclusion? Is the organization coherent or rambling? Are points repeated in more than one place, suggesting that the writer did not effectively integrate material from multiple sources?

3. Mechanics: Do you find misspellings, including using the wrong homonyms (their instead of there; to instead of too)? Are there incomplete sentences (lacking either a subject or a verb)? Are there comma splices (joining two sentences with a comma)?

4. Engagement: Is the writing engaging and interesting, suggesting that the writer had enthusiasm for the subject? Or, is it rather dry and even boring, at least in some parts?

5. Documentation: Did the writer give some sources at the end of the paper? (That section at the end can be called "References" or "Bibliography.") Would you be able to find these in a library or on the internet, using the citations given in that bibliography? Did the writer take opportunities to support facts or conclusions by citing literature or websites?

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Biology: Write an essay about diversity of life did the writer stick
Reference No:- TGS02504677

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