
Write an essay about an individuals level of emotional



Part A: Essay plan

For the first part of this assignment, you are required to do an essay plan on the template. This plan is for your whole essay (Part B). See Part B below for assignment topics.

1. Write the topic at the top of the page. 2. Write your thesis in the middle of page. 3. Develop topic sentences (main idea for each body paragraph and put into the rectangles. (Note the first topic sentence on the plan will be the basis for the first body paragraph in Part B of this assignment). Remember, use sentences, not phrases or headings. They should reflect a stance that supports your thesis. 4. Include supporting points under the topic sentences. 5. Once you've completed the topic sentences and supporting points, number them in the paragraph order you will be using in the essay. 6. Please see module 1 for an example of a plan. Doing this plan should help you with part B of this assignment. The topic sentences (main points) you've developed will be the basis for the overview in your introduction. The information in the first rectangle will be the basis for the body paragraph for part B.

Please see the sample Part A - Essay Plan by clicking on the link. (NOTE: This plan is based on a different essay question from yours. This is just to give you an idea of the layout and what is expected on an essay plan).

Part B: The Essay

Write a 1500 word essay on one of the following topics. This is a communication course so it is important that your discussion of the topic is written from a communication perspective.

You must submit the assignment via EASE (Electronic Assignment Submission Environment on Study Desk).

Essay checklist


See sample essay assignment.

Topic 1

An individual's level of emotional intelligence can have an impact on their performance as a student or employee? Do you agree/disagree or take a middle of the road position?

Please read the following before starting your essay. Note: These readings should be a starting point for your research.

• Chapter 12 & 14, Kossen, Kiernan & Lawrence

• Module 5 - Interpersonal Communication & Module 8 - Barriers to Communication

For this planning assignment you will need to think about the topic. You will need to decide what your viewpoint on this topic is. In other words, do you agree, disagree, or perhaps think there are two sides to the question. What you think about the topic will be your thesis statement.

Topic 2

Hofstede argues there are two ways we can distinguish between cultures in relation to their communication strategies: collectivist cultures and individualist cultures. In individualist cultures self-promotion is viewed as a positive attribute, whereas in collectivist cultures, self-promotion is eyed with distrust. These cultural contexts can often cause communication barriers. Do you agree/disagree or take a middle of the road position?

Please read the following before starting your essay. Note: These readings should be a starting point for your research.

• Chapter 7 & 14, Kossen, Kiernan & Lawrence

• Module 8 - Barriers to Communication

For this planning assignment you will need to think about the topic. You will need to decide what your viewpoint on this topic is. In other words, do you agree, disagree, or perhaps think there are two sides to the question. What you think about the topic will be your thesis statement.

Topic 3

Leaders will be more effective if they change their leadership style to suit the situation and people involved. Do you agree/disagree? You can relate this to your future profession if you wish. Here are some examples of different professional contexts:

• Acting students - director/actors;

• Education students - principal/teachers;

• Music students - conductor/orchestra.

• Psychology students - management

• Business students - Manager/employees

• Journalism students - editor/reporter

Please read the following before starting your essay. Note: These readings should be a starting point for your research.

• Chapter 13, Kossen, Kiernan & Lawrence

• Module 7 - Nonverbal communication


For this planning assignment you will need to think about the topic. You will need to decide what your viewpoint on this topic is. In other words, do you agree, disagree, or perhaps think there are two sides to the question. What you think about the topic, will be your thesis statement.

Use the modules to become familiar with the topic, but avoid using them in the essay.

• Use 5 different sources.

• Avoid using web pages.

• Use academically credible sources.

• Try EBSCO host for journal articles.

Before submission, give your assignment the correct filename

You must give your assignment a filename that includes:

? Your name

? The number of the essay question you're writing on i.e. Topic 1, 2 or 3

For instance: smith j _assignment 1_q3.docx

• Chapter 13, Kossen, Kiernan & Lawrence

• Module 6 - Group and organisational communication

For this planning assignment you will need to think about the topic. You will need to decide what your viewpoint on this topic is. In other words, do you agree, disagree, or perhaps think there are two sides to the question. What you think about the topic will be your thesis statement.

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