
Write an essay 400 word references dont count towards word

Write an essay 400 word references don't count towards word count.

Supported Reading materials are listed below but I must use ideas and reference from THREE of these readings to support the questions: 

  • What are the main challenges to achieving justice in American society today and how does American republican government allow the country to address those challenges better than either the Platonic and/or Aristotelian forms of government would? 

 I need to reference three of these in my essay.  

  • Reference specific ideas from at least three of the assigned readings that illustrate these values. Always name the author whose ideas you are discussing (use the author's full name the first time you refer to him/her; after that, identify authors by their last names).
  • Provide in-text citations for all ideas, opinions, and facts derived from the course readings, whether you simply refer to them, paraphrase them (put them entirely into your own words), or quote them. Place the in-text citation at the end of your sentence but before the period that ends your sentence. The in-text citation should give the author's last name (unless you've used it already in your sentence), the year of publication (if known), and the appropriate page number(s) from the reading (if page numbers are used in the online text of the essay). Do not use the title of the reading unless it does not have an author).

Here's an example of a citation for the Thomas Paine : (Paine, 1776). 

Here's an example of a citation for the John Locke: (Locke, 1689, pp. 46-47). 

  • I have jotted down some notes (hope they are correct) to maybe start with on the attached word document.
  • Page 3 of the attached shows these books for week 2.  If you click on the links they will take you to the reading material. 
  • I need to reference three of these in my essay.  

Plato: Selections from the Republic, Book VII (starts on page 106)

Plato: Crito

Aristotle: Politics, Book IV

From the State of Nature to Civil and Political Society:

John Locke: Two Treatises of Government (the selections here are from The Second Treatise on Government, 1689): pp. 7-20 (through sec. 33); p. 38  (sec. 77); 40-42 (sec. 86-90); pp. 44-47 (sec. 94-99); pp. 58-60 (sec. 123-131); pp. 66-67 (sec. 142); p. 72 (sec. 155)

Thomas Jefferson: The Declaration of Independence

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