
Write an eassy using the given pointsin a review of good


In" A Review of Good Video Games and Good Learning," Katharine L. Daniels, a professor of University of North Carolina, Wilmington, USA, argues that playing video games is good for developing children's brain and intelligence, it's good for health.

In" Video and Video Games: Effect on Children and Implications for Health Education," Dr.Steve,M.Dorman. , an associate professor of university of Florida, believes that in many cases, playing video games may do much harm to children's health.

Katharine L. Daniels summarized a lot of points of view about the link between brain and computer, Most of the ideas come from James P. Gee, we can find that the brain is similar to a well-constructed video game, when they use their imagination to integrate various experiences into complex simulations, the brain will be more flexible.

Dr.Steve,M.D.make some experiments ,he finds that the video game may provoke a seizure response more easily and it also induces the Nintendinitis, the severe pain of the right thumb. Sometimes, the video game may also cause the pathological preoccupation. Perhaps, the most serious problem the video game may induce is the aggression and prosocial behavior. The aggressiveness may be increased due to the arousing nature of video games.

Because there are many examples that children playing video games improve the flexibility of the brain, many believe that playing video games is of benefits to children. Even though it is true, playing video games for a long time also takes many bad results. So many video games may do harm to children's health,


Some critics argue that playing video games can improve children's learning skills, others argue that children playing many video games may have more violence and other problems, which will bring bad results to children's grades.

In" What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy", JAMES PAUL GEE, a professor of University of Wisconsin-Madison, believes that use of games and game technologies for learning content in schools and skills in workplaces will become pervasive. The use of games and game technologies can enhance learning.

In" Effect of video and mobile games on children's behavior" Dr. Pankaj Singh., an associate professor of NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences in Nagpur, Maharashtra, argues that in many cases, playing video games causes the bad effects to children's behavior.

To explain their views, JAMES PAUL GEE gives a few examples of the good learning principles that are incorporated in good games. He demonstrates his point of view from four respects. For example , good games give information "on demand" and "just in time,", good games operate at the outer and growing edge of a player's competence, good games allow players to be producers and not just consumers and good games allow players to form good generalizations when they face more complex problems,

Dr. Pankaj Singh. does some experiments to demonstrate his point of view . 160 children whose age ranges from 7 to 10 are chosen randomly are used as the sample. And he finds that children playing more video games may have more violence and other problems. He also finds that children playing more video and mobile games tend to have more serious communication problems, psychomotor activity, conduct disorder behavior.

Because there are many examples that children playing video games improve learning skills, many believe that playing video games is of benefits to children. Even though it is true, we still cannot let the children play video games for a long time, for that so many video games may cause bad behavior .


Some critics argue that playing video games can be good for children as a result of making children feel happy and helping relieve stress. Others argue that video games especially problematic video games often bring anxiety or depression problems to children.
In"Learning by Design: good video games as learning machines", JAMES PAUL GEE, a professor of University of Wisconsin-Madison, argues that good video and computer game designers manage to get new players to learn long, complex and difficult games.

In" Problematic Video Game Use: Estimated Prevalence and Associations with Mental and Physical Health" Dr. Rune Aune Mentzoni ,a professor of University of Bergen in Bergen ,Norway , judge that all over the world many children are influenced by the video game especially the problematic ones by investigating the use of them.

JAMES PAUL GEE gives a few examples of the good results taken by good video games. From learning in good games, empowered learners, problem solving and understanding, about four parts, JAMES PAUL GEE demonstrate his point of view.

Dr. Rune Aune Mentzoni. chooses 2500 individuals randomly from the Norwegian National Registry. The individuals age from 16 to 40. In the end, about 34 percent of the individuals complete the questionnaire successfully. It is found that about 56.3 percent of the responds play video games regularly. About 0.6 percent of the respondents are found to be addicted to the video games. About 4.1 percent of the respondents are found to be problematic video game users. Study finds that problematic user of video game was positively correlated with the level of anxiety or depression. The problematic user of video game also has lower scores on life satisfaction.

Because there are many examples that children playing video games improve more work and learning skills, many believe that playing video games is of benefits to children. Even though it is true, we still cannot let the children play video games for a long time, for that so many video games may depressed children and lower scores on life satisfaction. Obviously it may take bad effects.

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