
Write an eassy fir the given questionsprose is unclear with

Instructions: Answer the following questions in an essay format with an introduction (where you frame the question and give the reader an idea of what you will be arguing), a body (where you lay out your claims and evidence), and conclusion (where you summarize, but don't repeat, the primary points of your essay).

Your responses must be typed, no more than 8 pages in length (total) and draw on Bulliet et al., lecture material, and primary source readings.

Please follow the format guidelines in the syllabus. The most effective response papers will go beyond repeating the readings (or lectures) and offer creative new interpretations of the evidence presented in class.

You are expected to draw primarily on material from Part III: Empire, though I encourage you to incorporate any material from previous sections as well.

Tips: Be clear, make an argument, use examples to support it, cite your quotes, use topic sentences, and proofread.

Submission - Electronic copies of your response papers must be submitted by the due date/time (see above) and a paper copy must be brought to class.

1. European relationships with non-European peoples took on new forms during the nineteenth century. The changing dynamics of colonialism have been termed a "New Imperialism." What in your view were some of the defining characteristics that separated nineteenth-century European colonization from the colonization that came earlier (1492-1800)? Describe previous relationships, how they changed, and what accounted for that change.

2-Despite their technological and economic advantages, Europeans were not universally successful in their ambitions to conquer new territories. Describe and explain the significance of at least three conditions that limited European power, and how Europeans responded to those limitations. *Hint* think broadly about limitations - they might be political, cultural, economic, or environmental.

A/ Has a clear thesis that is substantively supported throughout the work.

Citations are clear, accurate, and according to the style guidelines and page limits.

Arguments display insightful use of class lecture material and readings.

Makes multiple clear connections between the topic and class material using cited evidence

The writing is clear and engaging. It is well organized with topic sentences.

Adheres to page limits.

B/ Has a thesis, though it is not consistently or effectively supported throughout the text.

Coherent citation style is used, though inaccurately or incompletely.

Information is used form class lectures and readings, though it often lacks insight.

Makes one clear connection between the topic and class material using cited evidence

Mostly clear prose, though with some awkward sentences and unclear ideas; more frequent errors of grammar and spelling-room for improvement in overall presentation.

Adheres to page limits.

C/ No thesis or the thesis is unclear. Largely a descriptive, rather than an analytical work.

Few, if any citations are used. Does not follow any style guidelines

Work lacks substantive use of class lectures and readings.

Makes connections between the topic and class material, though they lack clarity, display factual inaccuracies, or use no evidence from class material

Prose is unclear with multiple grammatical and spelling errors. Structure lacks cohesion.

Does not adhere to page limits.

D/ No thesis. Mostly a descriptive work, though the amount of information meets the required page length.

Little attempt made to connect this paper to information from readings or lectures.

Citations absent or near absent.

Makes few connections between the topic and class material

Significant stylistic, grammar, and/or spelling issues.

Does not adhere to page limits.

F / No thesis and an entirely descriptive work.

Does not meet minimum page limit.

Makes no connections between the topic and class material

No citations; Severe issues with structure, style, or content of paper.

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History: Write an eassy fir the given questionsprose is unclear with
Reference No:- TGS01680007

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