
Write an assignment -performance task

Performance Task Assignment:

Prepare a Plan of Action to address the following challenges faced by you as the Principal of an Urban Middle School For this task:

You are the Principal of Howard Middle School, located in the most poverty-stricken area of Baltimore City. For the past fifteen years, your school has experienced abysmal student achievement; acute violence which has resulted in several student deaths; and an external community that has experienced overt joblessness, drug violence and an overall lack of hope with a sense of despair.

You have been placed at this school due to your reputation as a visionary leader. As a New Principal, what is your overall vision for the school community? How will you develop, articulate, implement and act as a steward of your vision?

Be sure to align your plan with ISLLC Standard 1:

The following is a summary of the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, formerly known as the ISLLC Standards.

Standard 1. Mission, Vision, and Core Values Effective educational leaders develop, advocate, and enact a shared mission, vision, and core values of high-quality education and academic success and well-being of each student.

*A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.

Please folow this steps for answering:

Step 1:

Summarize the case

Write a paragraph that summarizes the case as described in the assignment.

Qa. What is your role?

Qb. What is the situation?

Qc. What is the goal?

Qd. What are the challenges?

Step 2:

State the problem within the context of Public School Education

Write a paragraph that describes how the issues raised in this case relate to broader issues of school administration.

Step 3:

List specific information

People (list data) + Place (list data) + Program (list data)

Write paragraph describing the data for your school. Include demographic data, location data, and information you can find about the school’s. (the school name in the case dose not exist, so just pretend that it is a Middle School, located in the most poverty-stricken area of Baltimore City)

Step 4:

Review, prioritize and locate the significant data

Write a paragraph that identifies which of the data you found is more important, as it relates to the case study.

Step 5:

Refer to the data in solving the problem and in responding to the case study Questions.

Qa Write your plan. Be sure to align your plan with ISLLC Standard 1. This is based on your creativity and professional judgment.

Qb Write your overall vision for the school community

Qc.Write a bulleted list of the steps you'd take to develop, articulate, implement and act as a steward of your vision.

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