Write an assessment of this individuals job satisfaction

Assignment Instructions: Please make sure you answer all questions in complete sentences and you write a full assessment which is a full paragraph. If these instructions are not followed, you will not receive credit for this assignment

Managerial Decision Exercise - Part I

As a way to measure job satisfaction, ask someone at a local business the following questions:

a. What is your job title, and what do you do in your words? How do these match up to tasks, duties, and responsibilities in your job description?

b. Are you satisfied with the work that you do?

c. How satisfied are you with the training and supervision that you receive?

d. How satisfied are you with the people that you work with?

e. Are you happy with your salary?

f. Are you happy with the benefits that are offered as part of the job?

g. Do you see any possibilities for advancement in the organization?

h. What are your general feelings about your employer?

i. Do you have any additional comments regarding how you feel about your job?

Part II

Write an assessment of this individual's job satisfaction and what a supervisor and organization could do to improve the lever of job satisfaction for their employees. Details: I work packing in a distribution company

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Other Management: Write an assessment of this individuals job satisfaction
Reference No:- TGS03381720

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