
Write an article review about jook women by barry lee

History Article Review

In order to successfully complete this assignment, the student must:

1. Select one article from the list below and read carefully and completely.

2. Write a one-page, single-spaced review of the article.

3. The review should have four elements:

o What is the author's primary argument/thesis?
o What evidence of support does the author give to defend and/or prove the argument/thesis?
o In your view, what are the strengths of the article?
o In your view, what are the weaknesses of the article?

4. The review should meet the following format guidelines:

o It should be typed (single-space)
o Students should save the final document as a .rtf document (rich text format).
o The margins should be set at one inch (top, bottom, left, right).
o The font style should be Times New Roman.
o The font size should be 12 point.
o Type your name in the upper left hand corner of the paper.

Article- Jook Women by Barry Lee Pearson.

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History: Write an article review about jook women by barry lee
Reference No:- TGS01471594

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