Instructions: Define the following:
1. Procedural Programming
2. Pseudocode
3. Assignment Statement
4. Rules of Precedence
5. Relational Operators
6. Compound Condition
7. Loop Control Variable
8. Sentinel Value
9. Array
10. Binary Search
Instructions: List the best possible term for each question.
1. When using a flowchart, input is represented by what geometric shape?
2. The rules that govern a programming language are called ____.
3. The instruction Myanswer = Mynumber*2 is an example of a(n) ____ operation.
4. In the following statement, which arithmetic operation is performed first?
answer = a + b +c * d / e - f
5. What is an equivalent way to write the following statement?
answer = a + b + c * d / e - f
6. What operator has the lowest precedence?
7. The structure which takes one of two paths based on a decision is called a(n) ____ structure.
8. When you need to ask multiple questions before an outcome is determined, you must create a ____.
9. Which takes precedence when the two are combined in a single statement: AND or OR?
10. A(n) ____ is any numeric variable you use to count the number of times an event has occurred.
11. When the value of a loop control variable is not altered by arithmetic, but instead is altered by user input, this is known as a(n) ____ loop.
12. At the beginning of any method, it is the programmer's responsibility to ____ all variables that must start with a specific value.
13. A ____, also called an index, is a number that indicates the position of a particular item within an array.
14. When you declare an array, you provide a(n) ____ name for a number of associated variables in memory.
15. Every array has a(n) ____ size.
Instructions: Answer the following coding questions. You do not have to write full programs or declare variables. Only write the snippet of code. Do not write pseudocode.
Question 1:
What is the answer for the following operations: a. (2+4) * 8 - 3 /10
b. 20 /2 - 3 * 5 + (4-3)
Question 2:
Write an IF-THEN statement for the following:
Display a message to user stating it is cold outside if the temperature is between 30 degrees and 55 degrees; otherwise,
display a message to the user that the weather is nice out today.
Question 3:
Write a FOR loop that adds the numbers from 1 to 10 and displays the result.
Question 4:
Write a WHILE loop that squares each number starting with 1 and ends when the square equals 49.
Question 5:
Write an array that stores the square of the numbers from 1 to 5 in each element. Write out each element. You must
use a looping structure for this program.