
Write an analysis paper about the greek government debt

Topics for Group Work FINC

Your group will choose one topic to analyze. The goal is to understand how these crises develop and what role financial markets and institutions played in these crises - both positive and negative.


Please choose amongst one of these topics and inform me, as each group will on a different topic. You may consider one of the following ideas. Otherwise, you may choose your own subject if I approve.

• The Greek government debt crisis (2009-today)
• The 2003-2008 oil price bubble and crash
• The 1982 Souk Al-Manakh stock market crash
• File collapse of Lehman Brothers
• The US housing bubble
• Other crises from the 2007-2008 time period:

o CDO and credit default swap crisis (see
o The Bear Stearns bailout
o Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (including what are they, and what did they have to do with the mortgage crisis?)
o The automotive industry crisis
o Ireland's debt crisis and bailout
o The Spanish property bubble and financial crisis
o Iceland's financial collapse (and recovery)

• Zimbabwe's hyperinflation
• The 1997 Asian financial crisis
• The Japanese asset price bubble
• The collapse of Long Term Capital Management
• The savings and loan (bank) crisis in the US (1980s-90s)
• The dot-corn bubble and crash
• The present economic situation in one of the following countries:

o Venezuela (https://edition.cnn.com/2015/08/10/opinionsighitis-venezuela-woes/)
o Russia
o Cyprus
o Ukraine

• The Great Fall of China (happening now)


• The sanctions on Iran and the economic effect of signing the nuclear deal
• Your own idea involving developments with macroeconomic significance


1. One 1000-word report per group
2. A 15-minute presentation that will be made to the class by your team

The following aspects are to be covered and are outlined in the empty presentation available you on the shared drive:

• Background: factors that led to the issue being discussed
• Relevant macroeconomic data
• Underlying cause of the problem
• The role of various financial institutions in worsening (or improving) the crisis
• Do you think the crisis could have been avoided?
• For the present crises: how do you see them developing in the future?

Since all of these crises are recent, you will easily be able to find much of the needed information. Please include data, charts and graphs as appropriate, and ensure that you so and reference all of the material accordingly. Your original ideas and arguments are to be presented in the last two points.

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Essay Writing: Write an analysis paper about the greek government debt
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