
Write an algorithm in structured english pseudocode that


Insurance companies allow their customers to pay their car insurance annually or monthly. But, if a customer selects the monthly payment option, he/she will be paying 3% more than the annual payment option. Write a program that will allow a customer to compare car insurance payments of three insurance providers. Your program should allow the customer to enter the insurance company name, annual premium (for car insurance) for three insurance companies. Then your program should calculate the monthly insurance premium (payment) for each company. Finally, the program should display the insurance company name, annual premium, monthly premium and how much more he/she has to pay if paid on monthly basis for all the three companies.

Note: You should not use any selection or repletion, use only sequence.

Write an algorithm in structured English (pseudocode) that describes the steps required to perform the task specified.

Select 2 sets of test data that will demonstrate the 'normal' operation of your program: that is test data that will demonstrate what happens when VALID input is entered. Set it out in a tabular form: the test data, the reason it was selected, the output expected as a result of using that test data, and finally leave space to record the output actually observed when the test data is used.

Select another 2 sets of test data that will demonstrate the 'abnormal' operation of your program: that is test data that will demonstrate what happens when INVALID input is entered. Set this out in the same format as for valid data.

Implement your algorithm in Python.

Run your program using the test data you have selected and save the output it produces in a text file

1. Your algorithm.
2. The table recording your chosen test data.
3. Source code for your Python implementation.
4. Output listings demonstrating the results of using the test data.
It is important that the output listings are not edited in any way.

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Dissertation: Write an algorithm in structured english pseudocode that
Reference No:- TGS02583068

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