
Write all your methods in a class named homework6methods


Write all your methods in a class named Homework6Methods.java

1) Produce a public static method named getMaxOf2Ints that takes in 2 int arguments and returns the Maximum of the 2 values

2) Produce a public static method named getMinOf2Ints that takes in 2 int arguments and returns the Minimum of the 2 values

3) Produce a public static method named getMaxOf3Ints that takes in 3 int arguments and returns the Maximum of the 3 values

4) Produce a public static method named getMedianOf3Ints that takes in 3 int arguments and returns the Median Value of the 3 values

5) Produce a public static method named printMinOf3Ints that takes in 3 int arguments of type int and prints the minimum value of those 3 ints

• Example: "The min is " + minVal

6) Produce a public static method named getProdOfAllPositiveInts that takes in 1 int argument and returns the product of all the values between 1 and that number.

• If the argument is NON-positive return 0

7) Produce a public static method named getProdOfAllNegativeInts that takes in 1 int argument and returns the product of all the values between -1 and that number.

• If the argument is NON-negative return 0

8) Produce a public static method named isProdOfAllNegativeIntsNegative that takes in 1 int argument and returns true if the product of all the values between -1 and that number is negative, and false otherwise.

9) Produce a public static method named getCharAtIndex that takes in 2 arguments, a String s, and an int index. The method should return the char found at the index location of the string or if not found return a '?'

10) Produce a public static method named getCountOfCharInString that takes in 2 arguments, a String s, and a char c. The method should return an int representing the number of times the char was found within the string.

11) Produce a public static method named getStringReversed that takes in 1 argument of type String and returns the String in reverse order.

12) Produce a public static method named getStringTitleCased that takes in 1 argument of type String and capitalizes the first letter of each word in the String, then returns the title cased string.

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JAVA Programming: Write all your methods in a class named homework6methods
Reference No:- TGS03261593

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