
Write all data from the parallel arrays back to the three

1. In this phase of the project, you are to add a user defined class. All arrays, counts and methods are to be members of this new class.

Therefore, you will NOT pass any data to any methods anymore.

2. Add code to the Modify_patient method

In this method you are to first print another menu something like the following:

Patient Modification Menu

1. Add Patient

2. Delete Patient

3. Modify Patient

When the user picks menu option #1, prompt for new Patient information and store it in the parallel arrays

When the user picks menu option #2, prompt for the Patient number, search the arrays for the Patient and delete the Patient from the arrays

When the user picks menu option #3:prompt the user for the Patient number, search the arrays for the Patient number

You will then ask which of the items below to change

First Name

Last Name



Read in the new data to the item selected from the above list

3. Add code to the Modify_doctor method

In this method you will allow the user to add a new Doctor to the proper parallel arrays

4. Add code to the Modify_surgery method

In this method you will allow the user to add a new Surgery to the proper parallel arrays

5. Add code to the Exit_hospital method

This method will write all data from the parallel arrays back to the three data files Patientj.dat, doctorj.dat and surgeryj.dat. Therefore, if the user entered new data in one of the sets of parallel arrays, it will be written back to the data files. Then, the next time the program would run, the new data would be read in.

Create a word document and type your name and data at the top. Next copy your code to the document. Copy screen shots of various sections of your code running, including the reports (after new data has been added). Upload the document to Blackboard

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JAVA Programming: Write all data from the parallel arrays back to the three
Reference No:- TGS02278537

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