
Write abstracts for given articles- cms final rule on

Write abstracts for given articles-

Please read two Article:

1. CMS Final Rule on Therapeutic Diet Orders Means New Opportunities for RDNs

2. Hospital-Acquired Conditions: Knowing, Preventing, and Treating Them Can Make RDs and DTRs an Invaluable Part of the Health Care Team

About Abstracts:

An abstract is a brief, written summary of the specific idea or concepts to be presented, and a statement of their relevance to practice or research.

This is one type to write abstracts:

Research abstracts: include a brief description of the author's original objective or hypothesis research methodology, including design, participant characteristics and procedures, major findings, and conclusions or implications for dietetics.

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Other Subject: Write abstracts for given articles- cms final rule on
Reference No:- TGS01187296

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4/12/2016 3:41:39 AM

Get ready abstracts for specified articles as well show your best answer Please read 2 Articles: 1. CMS Final Rule on Therapeutic Diet Orders Means New Opportunities for RDNs 2. Hospital-Acquired Conditions: identifying, Preventing, and Treating Them Can Make RDs and DTRs an Invaluable Part of the Health Care Team About Abstracts: An abstract is a short, written summary of the exact idea or ideas to be presented, and a statement of their relevance to practice or research.