
Write about your lsquoreflections in a journal you may

Responsible Business

ASSESSMENT TASK: Individual Reflective Journal

Assessment Details

Your task is to write about your ‘reflections' in a journal.

You may choose to reflect on one or more of the themes or ideas that really made an impact on you, or with which you could identify. In this assessment task, you must demonstrate your understanding of the chosen themes, and that you have considered the implications of these at a personal level.

Critical thinking should also be demonstrated in these reflections.

For information on the style of writing required, please refer to the guides provided on the course Moodle page.

Information about reflective journals is also on the Moodle page.

Word Limit: 650-750 words.

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Business Management: Write about your lsquoreflections in a journal you may
Reference No:- TGS01115821

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