Problem: I would like for you to read through and write about the Roediger & Adelson (1980) article that we briefly discussed in class.
In your summary, I would like you to discuss the following components:
(1) The main point of the article
(2) State the independent variable(s) (IV) and dependent variable(s) (DV)
(3) The hypothesis/hypotheses of the study
(4) The methods of the study
(5) The results of the study (there were 3 experiments, but you can only summarize the broad takeaways)
(6) A brief summary/reflection of your opinion regarding the article (i.e., how well-written it is, what/if anything you learned from it)
This should be, at the minimum, 1 page (double-spaced)
This will be worth 1 point toward your "Assignments" grade. Submissions that are lacking in effort will receive either a 0.5 or 0.