Assignment Task:
APA - 5 pages
Required text book
Rothman, J. C. (2011). From the front lines: Student cases in social work ethics. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. (please let me know if you can access this book)
The purpose of this assignment is you to carefully think about and write about the ethical considerations of a specific case (or cases), as well as to put yourself in the position of a social worker/counselor providing direct services to the clients/families in the case.
This assignment requires you to pull from your previous readings in our class so far (including textbook and the NASW Code of Ethics). I am also requiring a choice of one additional reading on Process Recording in Social Work. From the Front Lines book is needed (or a case from From the Front Lines).
Part 1: Getting Started
1. Select a case from your casebook. (OK if you wish to select more than 1 case).
2. Select and carefully read one of the two attached articles on Process Recordings.
3. Please answer these questions:
a. What case did you select and why? [1-2 paragraphs]
b. Summarize in your own words what the case is about. [1/2-1page]
c. What is an example of an ethical dilemma you are able to identify in the case? (in your own words, please be specific.) [1/2-1 page]
d. What feelings/reactions/questions came up for you after you read and thought about the case? [1/2 page]
Part 2: Imagine you are the social worker/counselor assigned to the case,
a. Where would you start? [1-2 paragraphs]
b. Please identify three considerations that you would put in place to ensure that you are handling the case in an ethical way. (For example, confidentiality, conflict of interests...) (Please use your textbook, the casebook, and the NASW Code of Ethics) [2 paragraphs]
c. Read Process Recording article.
d. Create a version of a Process Recording where you write down (word-for-word, as in a script) everything that happened in a session with the clients/family in the case. You also need to include our gut reactions and questions. (Please refer to the Process Recording article you selected) [1-2 pages] Need Assignment Help?
This requires some creativity and imagination on your part. Think of the cases in the book as a jumping off point and then you create a script/process recording. I know you can do it!
Part 3: Wrapping it up [1/2 page]
a. What did you learn from this assignment?
b. What remaining questions do you have?
c. What else would you wish to add?