
Write about someone you know in terms of leadership traits


Leadership essay help

This posting helps users to write about someone you know personally in terms of leadership traits.

Over the past 9 weeks you have listened to talks on a number of topics from different speakers. Many of these have been on the subject of leadership and teamwork, or on closely related matters. The speakers have approached this subject from different angles, but with an important common theme: each one of us can recognize and develop our potential for leadership - you do not have to be
born a leader.

In this assignment I would like you to identify a leader who is known to you ersonally (past or present). Examples include: the captain of a sports team, your boss at work, the head teacher in your previous school/college, your band leader, the chairman of your chess club, etc. If you are active in voluntary or church work, you will have met people in leadership capacities. Some of you have done military service, so maybe one of your senior officers comes to mind. The only thing that matters is that you have direct knowledge of the person and their leadership. Having identified a suitable person, I want you to write about their style of leadership - with particular reference to what you have heard about the functional approach to leadership. Did they pay attention to the task (getting the job done), the team (building/maintaining a group), and the individual (helping team members achieve their goals)? Did they lead by example, or by bullying, or by bribing? Were they good at delegating, or did they do everything themselves? Overall, do you consider them to be a good or bad leader, and why?

The length of your essay should be about 1,000 words

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English: Write about someone you know in terms of leadership traits
Reference No:- TGS01924199

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