Policy memo (5 pages single spaced)
Write about-Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
· Introduction/Boilerplate - who are they , who do they represent, and what do they care about?
· Suggestions for Defining What is "Healthy" - which kinds of foods are included in this definition and which are excluded? What is the criteria? Is it only foods from certain categories? Is there a minimum amount of a certain nutrient that should be present in order to qualify to bear the term "healthy"? Are amounts of specific nutrients present in a food disqualifying? Should the nutrients be naturally present (intrinsic) or could fortified nutrients be considered?
· Other Issues - address the following questions posed by FDA:
o Would this change in the term ‘‘healthy'' cause a shift in consumer behavior in terms of dietary choices?
o Is ‘‘healthy'' the best term to characterize foods that should be encouraged to build healthy dietary practices or patterns? What other words or terms might be more appropriate (e.g., ‘‘nutritious'')?
o How best will consumers know when a food is healthy - how would this group prefer to communicate "healthy" in food labeling? For example, simply using the word, a logo, or some other way?
· Closing - summarize your main points and reasons why to conclude your memo
· References - the policy memo should be supported by at least 5 peer reviewed scientific articles as references providing data and substantiation to facts, figures or arguments made in the memo.