
Write about one of the following articles in the jstor

History Required Writing Assignment

1. For the paper assignment you will read and write about one of the following articles in the JSTOR database at the Delta College library website and answer the questions for the article you have chosen.

2. Article title is "We are the Ones Who Are Out in Front": Women's Leadership in the Immigrant Rights Movement

By: Ruth Milkman and Veronica Terriquez

3. Question to answer about article:

Why have women emerged as leaders in the immigrant rights movement in Los Angeles and what issues do they face as female leaders of this movement?

4. At the end of the paper, after the Works Cited page, you will also include a short paragraph on your writing. In this paragraph, comment on what you think you did well with your writing and your writing skills you would like to improve. This is about your writing process-not whether you liked the article or not! Twenty point deduction for papers that do not have this reflection paragraph.

5. Paper must be turned in to turnitin.com; about 80% of your paper should be in your words. You will use some quotes from your source, but they should not make up the bulk of your work.

6. You can use other sources, such as your textbook but the assignment is on how well you read the article and answer the paper prompt question. Using other sources is not encouraged or required.

7. Must use at least one cited quote from the article that you choose. You must either MLA or Chicago style Citation format. You will include a Works Cited page or Bibliography with a full citation of the article at the end of the paper.

8. Essay must be 900-1200 words in length, double spaced, one inch margins all around with a 10 or 12 size font, Times New Roman preferred. Ten point automatic deduction if paper is not double spaced.

9. Underline your thesis! Your paper needs a thesis and it should be located in the first paragraph, typically located at the end of the first paragraph.

A note a plagiarism- This paper needs to be in your own words, plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero on your essay.

Reading : "We Are the Ones Who Are Out in Front": Women's leadership in the Immigrant Rights Movement
By Ruth Milkman and Veronica Ternquez

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History: Write about one of the following articles in the jstor
Reference No:- TGS02278972

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