
Write about iep plan- the first step in any program of

Assignment - Write 15 pages ABOUT IEP PLAN.

Writing is based on the IEP PLAN.


The best way to deal with a legal problem is to prevent it from occurring. The first step in any program of preventive law is for general educators, administrators, and special education practitioners to be knowledgeable of the legal issues in special education. As an educational leader within your school site and district, you have a professional responsibility to empower other professionals around you with knowledge about special education law and how it relates to compliance with Federal and State Regulations.

This assignment has a 15-page limit (double-spaced) and requires that you analyze a student's current IEP and determine areas in which the IEP was in and out of compliance. You will provide a list of recommendations in which the IEP could be brought back into compliance. If there are minimal areas in which there was noncompliance, you will identify those areas in which the IEP was completed correctly and will develop a plan for emulating those practices. Most information will be in the student's current IEP, however, be aware that you may need to seek information from a variety of sources (i.e., school's website for general information about the school, sped teacher re. current makeup of classroom, etc.). Each review will include:

• Brief description of the case at hand
• The student: This description will include relevant information about the student to include age, grade, placement, eligibility category, main areas in which disability impairs student's ability fully participate in general education, & other relevant information about the student.
• Current Placement: description of current placement to include disabilities being served, number & types of students being served, % of day student participates in general education, areas in which student is included in general education.
• School: provide a description of the school the child attends to include a general geographical description of the area, general SES of

the area, number of students enrolled, grades served, ethnic makeup of the school, & school-wide performance & API scores.

• 2-3 compliant points of the plan
• The compliance areas should address both procedural (adherence to timelines, parent notification, IEP attendees, signatures, paperwork completed properly, etc.) and substantive (correct placement, meaningful goals and objectives, LRE & FAPE provided, etc.) issues. In order to earn points for this section you MUST specify which laws (CA Code of Regs., IDEA, & Case Law) are being followed.

• 2-3 non-compliant points of the plan

• The NON-compliance areas should address both procedural (adherence to timelines, parent notification, IEP attendees, signatures, paperwork completed properly, etc.) and substantive (correct placement, meaningful goals and objectives, LRE & FAPE provided, etc.) issues. In order to earn points for this section you MUST specify which laws (CA Code of Regs., IDEA, & Case Law) are NOT being followed. If no violations are noted, you are required to identify an additional 2-3 areas in which you noted compliance.

• Identify 3 issues related to ELL students.

• The compliance areas should address issues related to students who are English Language Learners such as the CELDT and appropriateness of goals and objectives as related to the CA ELL Standards. If the student is not an ELL, address potential issues of concern for ELL students within the system in which your student is being served.

• Recommendations to correct the non-compliant points of the plan:-

• In this section you will provide a list of recommendations that will bring the IEP back into compliance on BOTH procedural & substantive violations. If no violations were noted, you must identify strategies being used to ensure compliance in both procedural & substantive areas.

Given the link of Plan:-

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Dissertation: Write about iep plan- the first step in any program of
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