
Write about communicate something about human experience


Forum topic options will feature several visually-based items.

Choose ONE item below to write about in your posting. Give you're posting a title other than "Forum 5" so that readers know what you will be writing about in your posting.

In your posting of 8 to 12 complete sentences, write in your own words about the following:

--What did you learn as a result of reading the item you chose?

--How does the item you chose to write about communicate something about the human experience that a health professional should consider? Is this item useful for teaching/learning? Why or why not?

--About the item you chose--are there differences for you between reading something that is only words versus something that combines words and images? Comment on what you think is one particularly significant image from the item you chose to write about in your posting.

The topic I have chosen is nurses use the link below and answer the questions above I need it in 12 hours. "My Nurse" available at https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/ms/nfp-comicbook.pdf

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Science: Write about communicate something about human experience
Reference No:- TGS03204436

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